Episode 18: Self Care & Rule Breaking with Amanda Sewell


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Amanda Sewell is a wellness junkie, coach and rule breaker. She believes that everything in life comes down to radical self responsibility. That we are more than our appearance, “trying to get skinny” or “be more consistent “.  We all have needs that at times go unmet and result in us trying to constantly regain control (ie diets, emotional eating, feeling like a victim). She loves working with women who want to move past always stressed about their weight and start living.

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  • How health doesn’t look the same for everybody. It’s about looking for the unique clues your body gives you
  • How we let ourselves be treated and how we enforce that with people around us
  • How Amanda uses boundaries to maintain her self care in her business
  • Amanda’s advice for anyone stuck in comparison paralysis





When I'm not recording episodes, writing bullshit-free Sunday pep Talks to my wonderful Couragemakers community or working 1:1 with clients, I'm usually covered in paint and thinking of imaginative ways of hide my would-be dog from my landlord. 


I’m Meg and I’m the host of Couragemakers and founder of That Hummingbird Life. I’m an INFJ creative and multipassionate who has a bit of a notebook and post-it note obsession, loves foot-stomping country music and likes her hot chocolate with way too much chocolate.

I started Couragemakers because I wanted to create a platform for passionate and unconventional women to have honest conversations and to share their stories, struggles and dreams. The intention behind this podcast is to inspire and encourage creative and mission-driven women to live a wholehearted life and follow the beat of their drum.



Meg Kissack